Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebrating Forth of July with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Hey guys, hope everyone had a happy Forth of July.

It's a tradition every year for Lucy and I to go to our friend Jared's parents' house in the country with about a hundred of our friends and family members and watch fireworks. We've been doing that for about five years now, but I wasn't sure if Lucy would be up to it this year. I was wrong; she wasn't going to let non-Hodgkin's get in the way. That's my sister just bein' awesome.

So we bought blankets and fireworks and burgers and veggies and snacks and took them over to Jared's around 4pm. Jared's parents have horses and dogs and a bunch of farm animals, so Lucy and I played with them and ate lots of delicious food. Finally it started to get dark and people started popping fireworks. Even Lucy was getting into it, and normally she's totally afraid of fireworks. I guess this disease is making her want to take more chances in life. I think that's pretty cool.

Anyway, it was a great time and we can't wait for next year.


  1. Gabby MontrealJuly 05, 2010

    it was so gud 2 see u last nite girl

  2. Gabby MontrealJuly 05, 2010

    it was so gud 2 see u last nite girl

  3. Gabby MontrealJuly 05, 2010

    oops lol it posted twice

  4. Francine DeburaJuly 05, 2010

    That was so fun I'm glad you made it! Jared's 4th of july parties are always the best

  5. Jared ScandinovaJuly 05, 2010

    I'm glad you two made it out we were all wondering if you would but it was great to see ya. next year we're on for sure
